Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepth the law happy is he.
Proverbs 29:18
Vision governs the way we lead our life, at The Garden of Eden Ministries Christ is the cornerstone of the vision. G.E.M is a community of people from all nations and generations established on the word of God and in prayer.
The life and love of Christ compels and draws us to Himself. This same love He has put inside of us that we may love one another John 15:12. We have been given the ministry of reconcilation through Jesus Christ, that our lives would lead others into His love and truth. 2 Corinthians 5:18.
By our lives of devotion to God, obedience to His scripture and servanthood to our neighbor, we become earthen vessels for the Holy Spirit to abide in. It is through this lifestlye we are witnesses of His Kingdom coming to earth, just as in the Garden of Eden.