A call out to men: A call out for Spiritual Fathers
Fatherlessness is widening as men try to go at life alone. We are seeking to biblically equip men of all ages and races, to see them regain their true identity in Christ, as we partner with the Holy Spirit.

Biblical ROOTS

“Where art thou?”(Genesis 3:9) is the call of God out to Adam after sin broke communion between them. Adam’s sin resulted in broken fellowship with God, causing him to lose his identity. God’s gracious pursuit of Adam, by asking him “where art thou?,” communicated the state of Adam’s present condition. Adam could no longer identify with God and was sent out of the garden to till the earth (Genesis 3:23). Adam’s sin resulted in man losing fellowship with God, to now labor in the earth from that moment on.

Relevancy for Today

Today, the Adamic call of God is still louder and very much relevant than ever before. Lost identity in men has caused man to struggle to find meaningful purpose in engaging in leadership of family, home, community and culture. Man’s identity was already established in God, and was never intended to established in the things of the earth (Genesis1:26). Loss of identity has lead men to pursue careers, sports, cars, reckless behavior, etc. Resulting in: broken relationships, home alone children, high divorce rates, orphanages, domestic violence, substance abuse & addictions, and hearts full of void.


God sent His Son Jesus Christ (Last Adam 1Corinthians 15:45) in the likeness of a man (Philippians 2:7), into the earth to die for our sins so that men could once again be reconciled unto God (John 3:16).


Fathers, Husbands, Uncles, Grandfathers & Brothers it is time to be re-established in your true identity. Christ Jesus is calling you back to the Father so that all men can enjoy wholeness once again, like it was originally intended in the Garden of Eden (John 14:6). Men it is time to arise!!!

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